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« Risk Settlement Planning Practicum | Main | ELNY Liquidation Order »

April 16, 2012


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Is it possible that the Judge made a human error in his judgement. If so, where do we go?

Neil Kuchinsky


If you call my office, I'll try and help you read the current Schedule 1.15 on the Internet, so you have some idea of what the bad news might be. You will need the annuity contract number.
My toll-free number is 1-800-899-2101.
Neil Kuchinsky, Esquire


I have yet to find out by how much my settlement will be reduced. I might have all of it cut i don't know. But what bothers me the most is that a court has said its okay for someone to agree to a set amount & then when they can't pay it they can just back out of the deal. What right do they have to take food out of peoples mouths. The accident that killed my mother & injured myself & my family memebers was settled at a set amount for a set number of years. Now here we are faced with the possibility of the rug being pulled out from under us. Bring on THE GREAT DEPRESSION II. This so called Superintendent & any other person who got off scott free better not be getting paid out of the money that is suppose to come to the people who were rewarded it.


Thank you, Bill. I agree wholeheartedly with you. As we will suffer through a life of financial hell on earth as I struggle to provide for my three children now and myself as I age and health problems increase. I still have ten years with minor children under my roof. I don't know even about how the bills are going to get paid and food on the table, much less healthcare. I certainly can't pay for that. The only consolation is that yes, there is a God, and He will exact vengeance. He will not be mocked. May legal representation be able to provide basis for appeal and potential criminal and civil slaughter for these scum. Lord help us all.


As true to form. The judge has now sentenced us to life of hell and little or no hope for the future. He has not even let the shortfall payees any right to due process by letting them look at the books or discovery of facts pertaining to liquidation. The superintendent got everything but I say one thing to him. There is a God and one day he will come under judgement in this life or the next. May God have mercy on the judge and the superintendent for letting the system rape us and deny us our basic human rights of due process and even a sliver of compassion from either gentleman. I pray that God gives us the strength to endure our bleak future as we will pay with out pain & angish without proper funding. Who will pay our healthcare? With little Social Security funding and even our basic needs of housing? God bless all.

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