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« ELNY Appeal - Immunity 2 | Main | QSF Symposium 2012 - 1 »

September 21, 2012


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ELNY Shortfall Payee

The truth is the drunk driver who hit the vehicle I was riding in is who I blame. I am certain all of us agree we would give ELNY back every penny if we could turn back time and reverse the injury or wrongful death that got us here in the first place. So the line of blame and injustice is long. We can only fight for what belongs to us including our dignity. But you're right "more to the truth than hate", the attorneys who originally settled our lawsuits got their fees. And let's not forget about the insurance broker who sold the policy. He or she also got their full commission. The blame goes on and on.

more to the truth than hate

To the last post. I thought this was all about retaining our money? I do not know about you, but I cannot pay bills with revenge or make my life better by dwelling on getting back a pound of flesh for another pound of flesh. I understand the need for justice, but at the cost of making some homeless out of need for revenge. Like President Nixon said, I will not give them the power of over me by making me hate them. The the truth is your and my attorneys put us into this mess by telling us to invest our settlement with ELNY. What about them and justice? I do not hear from one SSA that they blame their own attorney?

Anonymous Poster Quote 3

I am also a shortfall victim and I feel the same way as the poster above.

I suspect there are multiple reasons why others felt it wasn't necessary to join in the fight, but I think the MAIN reason was all about the money.

(Shortfall Victim)

As a shortfall payee and one of the 18 in the appeal process I would like to say how sad it is that the rest of you didn't feel the need to join us in this fight. It is important that people, namely, this superintendant and his agents know it is not legal nor alright to handle our monies in the manner they have without being held responsible for their actions not to mention being allowed to open a new business "GABC" with what monies are left to finish off what they started. As for the hardship money I don't know about you but I doubt most of us shortfall victims will see a penny of that money.

Patrick Hindert

Assuming the 18 shortfall payees are successful in appealing the immunity and injunction issues, it appears they intend to initiate legal action against the Superintendent and his agents arguing they did not act in good faith and with appropriate care and prudence in managing the ELNY estate and are therefore legally responsible for the losses.

just wondering

What do the 18 shortfall payees' hope to gain with this appeal? There will be no more money to gain from ELNY? As I see, more money will go to attorney fees rather than the payees? having a chance at criminal charges brought forth will not return our lost income. I am one of the SSA payees. I just wondered what they hope to gain. Plus, we can loose any hope of funding from the Hardship funds.........Maybe there is something I do not see. Can anyone explain this appeal to me?

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