During a transitional era for both personal injury settlement planning and structured settlements, participating professionals are fortunate to have multiple upcoming educational opportunities to update and expand their knowledge. Here is an overview of recommended upcoming national conferences listed chronologically. Note: some associations restrict conference attendence to association members.
- NAMSAP 2015 Annual Conference - September 30 - October 2 in New Orleans. The National Alliance of Medicare Set-Aside Professionals (NAMSAP) is "the only non-profit association exclusively addressing the issues and challenges of the Medicare Secondary Payer Statute and its impact on workers’ compensation and liability settlements". Medicare set-aside arrangements (MSAs) represent an increasingly important submarket for structured settlements. One of the innovative features of this conference: NAMSAP has developed an App so attendees can stay connected before, during and following the conference. Among the speakers, S2KM's Managing Director, Patrick Hindert, and Ann Koerner will lead a discussion titled: "How the Affordable Care Act Impacts Medicare, Medicare Compliance and MSAs". For S2KM's most recent NAMSAP reporting, see: NAMSAP 2015 Winter Regional Conference .
- Stetson 2015 SNT Conference - October 14-16 in St. Petersburg, Florida. Stetson Law School's National Conference on Special Needs Trusts (SNTs) is widely recognized as the preeminent educational forum for this topic. The two-day conference offers one day of "Basics" plus one day of "Advanced" SNT education plus two additional and optional pre-conference half-day programs ("The Tax Intensive" and "Pooled Trusts"). Similar to MSAs, SNTs represent a strategic submarket for structured settlements. Among important recent developments: 1) the impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on existing and prospective SNTs; 2) The Special Needs Trust Fairness Act, recently approved unanimously by the U.S. Senate, would correct a previous legislative error and allow individuals with disabilities, who have capacity to create their own SNTs.
- NSSTA 2015 Fall Educational Conference - October 28-30 in Phoenix, AZ. The National Structured Settlement Trade Association (NSSTA) is "the leading voice of the structured settlement industry" with nearly 1200 individual members. NSSTA has previously announced an "Industry Growth Initiative" - "designed to identify opportunities to expand the use of structured settlements and bring those opportunities to the structured settlement marketplace" - which appears to focus multiple growth-oriented goals NSSTA president Michael Goodman identified during NSSTA's 2015 Annual Meeting. The first progress report for this Growth Initiative is scheduled to occur during NSSTA's Fall Conference. As a prelude to its Growth Initiative, NSSTA commissioned a three-part survey of traditional structured settlement stakeholders which S2KM reviewed in previous blog posts: senior claims executives (Part 1); front line claims professionals (Part 2); and plaintiff attorneys (Part 3).
- NASP 2015 Annual Conference - November 10-12 in Las Vegas. The National Association of Settlement Purchasers (NASP), "the only trade association related to the secondary market for structured settlements, ... is dedicated to ensuring the secondary market for [such] transfers remains fair, competitive, and transparent." Following years of conflict between the primary and secondary structured settlement markets, an historic "President's Panel" will highlight NASP's 2015 conference featuring the respective presidents of NSSTA (Michael Goodman) and NASP (Patricia LaBorde). This event was preceded by NSSTA inviting LaBorde to speak at the NSSTA 2014 Fall Educational Conference. and appears to signify increased cooperation between the two associations extending to legislation as well as education. Among other speakers, S2KM's Patrick Hindert will provide "A Primer on Special Needs Trusts and Medicare Set-Asides" for secondary market attendees. For S2KM's most recent NASP reporting, see: NASP 2014 Annual Conference .
- Evolve 2015 QSF Symposium - November 12-13 in Memphis. Organized "to provide a forum for open dialogue that helps shape industry developments", Evolve Bank and Trust's Annual Qualified Settlement Fund (QSF) Symposium offers a valuable and unique addition to the growing number of personal injury settlement planning conferences and educational resources. Although Rev. Proc. 93-34 permits QSFs to make IRC 130 qualified assignments, and no tax authority exists prohibiting single claimant QSFs, structured settlement annuity providers currently refuse to accept single claimant QSFs which they broadly define to encompass claims by family members, plaintiff attorneys, lien holders and creditors. Evolve's recent symposiums have avoided the single claimant controversy and focused instead on other important QSF and settlement planning issues. For S2KM's most recent Evolve reporting, see: Evolve 2014 QSF Symposium.
- NSSTA 2015 MSSC Program - November 18-21 at the University of Notre Dame. Complementing and extending its Certified Structured Settlement Consultant (CSSC) Professional Certification Program, NSSTA has added a new Master's Certificate in Structured Settlement Consulting (MSSC). This program is one of multiple new educational initiatives, including Structures 202 (a comprehensive program of case management fundamentals and business development opportunities) and "NSSTA University" (whereby NSSTA will partner with any member to secure CE credits for member-sponsored educational seminars or insurance claims departments or law firms), which NSSTA is offering to attract and train "Next Generation" professionals to grow the structured settlement market.
- NAELA 2016 Summit - January 28-30 in Newport Beach, CA. The National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA) was the first and remains the largest U.S. professional association focused on the needs of elder and special needs law attorneys. NAELA was founded in 1986 and now consists of more than 4300 attorney members. Because NAELA was slow to embrace special needs as a separate strategic market, NAELA members independently formed the Special Needs Alliance (Alliance) and the Academy of Special Needs Planners (ASNP). Most Alliance and ASNP member, however, remain active NAELA members and look to NAELA as their primary political lobbying resource. NAELA member resources include the NAELA Journal which has published a series of excellent articles about the Affordable Care Act.
- AANLCP 2016 Annual Conference - February 5-8 in San Antonio. The increasing number, importance and roles of life care planners represents one of the most significant developments S2KM has observed while attending recent structured settlement and settlement planning stakeholder educational conferences. Life care planners predominate the membership of NAMSAP and have been featured speakers at other recent structured settlement and settlement planning stakeholder conferences. Multiple life care planners exhibit at American Association for Justice (AAJ) national conferences. The American Association of Nurse Life Care Planners (AANLCP) is one of two national associations of life care planners. During 2014, S2KM published an interview with nurse life care planner Wendie Howland. Patrick Hindert's article "How the Affordable Care Act Impacts Life Care Planners" was featured in the 2014 Winter Issue of the AANLCP Journal.
- AAJ 2016 Winter Conference - February 27 - March 1 - Boca Raton, FL. The American Association for Justice (AAJ, formerly ATLA) "is the world's largest trial bar" whose mission includes supporting "the work of attorneys in their efforts to insure that any person who is injured by the misconduct or negligence of others can obtain justice in America's courtrooms ..." Plaintiff attorneys, however, also perform essential settlement planning roles which include recommending appropriate product and service providers to their clients. As one result, plaintiff attorneys represent the primary marketing target for companies and professionals offering settlement planning products and services - as well as a logical priority marketing target for growing the structured settlement market. Multiple companies offering structured settlement, lien resolution, MSA compliance, life care planning, legal finance and economic consulting services were among the 141 sponsors and exhibitors at the AAJ 2014 Annual Meeting. NSSTA recently commissioned a Plaintiff Attorney Structured Settlement Survey.
- ASNP 2016 Annual Conference - March 10-12 in Tucson, AZ. The Academy of Special Needs Planners (ASNP) and the Special Needs Alliance are both national associations of special needs attorneys most of whom are also members of NAELA and many of whom also increasingly specialize in personal injury settlement planning. ASNP recently opened its membership (with a vetting process) to non-legal (finance/insurance) professionals and also sponsored a 12-part Settlement Planning Webinar Series. Unlike educational programs sponsored by NAELA and SNA, ASNP's annual conferences are open to non-members. For S2KM's most recent ASNP reporting, see: ASNP 2015 Annual Conference - which includes a comparison of settlement planning vs. special needs planning.
- SSP 2016 Annual Conference - March 10-12 - Tucson, AZ. Society of Settlement Planners (SSP) members "work with the injured party to create a comprehensive and integrated settlement plan focused on meeting the needs of the claimant." They also "seek to elevate the profession of settlement planning by promoting ethical industry standards, providing education and certification and knowledge transfer among its members." For the first time, SSP's 2016 conference will feature joint educational sessions and social events with ASNP. For S2KM's most recent ASNP reporting, see: SSP 2015 Annual Conference Part 1 and Part 2.
- NSSTA (April 6-8 in Palm Springs, FL), NAELA (April 7-9 in Denver) and AAJ (July 23-26 in Los Angeles) have also separately announced their 2016 Annual Meetings.
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