Although some of the 143 attendees at the 2015 Annual Conference of the National Alliance of Medicare Set-Aside Professionals (NAMSAP), held September 30 - October 2 in New Orleans, (including S2KM) may have been confused by the conference theme ("Back to the Future") , the take away conference message was clear:
The Medicare Set-Aside (MSA) market continues to grow in size and complexity and NAMSAP remains "the only non-profit association exclusively addressing the issues and challenges of the Medicare Secondary Payer [MSP] Statute and its impact on workers’ compensation and liability settlements". NAMSAP also seeks and welcomes opportunities to help improve MSA and settlement planning industry standards for documentation, work product and business practices.
An MSA is an administrative and funding mechanism utilized in certain categories of settlements to protect Medicare's interests as "secondary payer" under the MSP statute. Although Federal law does not define MSAs, or mandate specific types of MSA funding mechanisms, CMS (the responsible federal agency) has established certain basic guidelines for workers compensation MSAs (WCMSAs).
Following a series of policy memoranda, CMS published a WCMSA Reference Guide (WCRG) on March 29, 2013 plus a WCRG Version 2.0 on November 7, 2013. The WCRG explains WCMSAs as follows: "A WCMSA allocates a portion of the WC settlement for all future work-injury-related medical expenses that are covered and otherwise reimbursable by Medicare. When a proposed WCMSA amount is submitted to CMS for review and the individual or beneficiary obtains CMS’approval, the CMS-approved WCMSA amount must be appropriately exhausted before Medicare will begin to pay for care related to the beneficiary’s settlement, judgment, award, or other payment."
Both the CMS policy memoranda and the WCRG address structured settlement issues and provide guidelines for their utilization in funding WCMSAs. Significantly, these guidelines create an inherent cost advantage for structured settlements compared with lump sum alternatives because of the method CMS requires for calculating WCMSA present values. As a result, WCMSAs represent one of the few submarkets where structured settlements sales have increased since 2008.
Unlike WCMSAs, almost no regulatory authority exists for MSAs in third party liability settlements. In 2012, CMS published an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rule Making (ANPRM) for liability MSAs in the Federal Register - which it subsequently withdrew following negative public comments and rejection by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Nevertheless, according to one professional MSA administrator, liability MSAs now represent 30% of his company's cases and the percent is growing. No one, he adds, currently submits liability MSA cases for CMS approval.
Under the leadership of current president, Kimberly Wiswell, and its Board of Directors, NAMSAP's 2015 accomplishments and enhanced membership values have included: expanding membership; regional conferences; educational webinars; a recurring "legal roundtable"; an active website listserv; improved communications with CMS; a new strategic plan; sponsorship of NAMSAP's first "Take the Hill" Day in Washington D.C.; plus a new association management team.
In addition to tracking Medicare compliance developments generally, NAMSAP's 2015 political agenda has sought to address perceived CMS WCMSA approval deficiencies such as:
- Thresholds result in incomplete protection.
- No direct right of appeal exists.
- Review time-lines are uncertain.
- CMS rules ignore state workers compensation laws.
- CMS assumes all settlements are “commutations”.
Based upon the success of its first "Take the Hill Day", NAMSAP is planning a two-day "policy focus" for its 2016 Regional Meeting - which will take place in Washington, D.C. sometime during March or April and include one day of lobbying and one day of education. Two WCMSA bills (H.R. 1982 and S. 2731) are currently being considered by Congress. Each contains a "direct payment" provision which could have negative consequences for structured settlements as well as professional MSA administrators.
NAMSAP's membership is the most professionally diverse of any U.S. settlement planning association. It includes a mix of attorneys, MSA allocators, MSP compliance consultants, CPAs, claims professionals, structured settlement consultants, guardians, nurses, pharmacists, rehabilitation professionals, and life care planners.
The combination of membership diversity, subject matter complexity, legislative and regulatory developments plus an expanding MSA market create extraordinary challenges for NAMSAP in planning and organizing its educational programs. NAMSAP Conference Chairperson Tom Matson, Education Committee Chairman Thomas Spratt, Executive Director Brian Bailey and Meeting Planner Sarah Zenna, therefore, deserve congratulations for an outstanding program.
The NAMSAP conference itself was preceded by a three-day "Certified Medicare Secondary Payer Professional" (CMSP) certification program created and administered by the Louisiana Association of Self-Insured Employers (LASIE). Although "designed to give advanced knowledge and practical skills required to acquire certification in Medicare Secondary Payer Compliance", this educational program appears to offer a valuable and comprehensive MSP and MSA introductory curriculum appropriate for any settlement planning or structured settlement professional.
To supplement it primary program, NAMSAP offered its own MSP introduction - a half-day of "Pre-Conference Sessions" addressing: 1) MSA Submitter Errors; 2) MSP Industry Ethics; and 3) an MSP Compliance Situational Case Study.
These two optional preliminary programs allowed the NAMSAP conference organizers to focus its primary educational conference on its largest membership constituencies (MSA allocators and MSP attorneys) which created its own set of challenges. Because of their different backgrounds and roles, a predictable knowledge gap exists between MSP attorneys and MSA allocators - with MSA administrators, insurance professionals, structured settlement brokers and other MSP/MSA professional stakeholders falling somewhere in between.
The following S2KM listing of topics ( with speakers) attempts to communicate both the range of NAMSAP's 2015 Annual Conference educational offerings as well as NAMSAP's efforts to maintain and expand the MSP/MSA community of professional practice:
Directed Toward All MSP/MSA Professionals
- MSP Compliance - Kathleen Wyeth and Steve Pratt
- How the ACA Impacts Medicare, Medicare Compliance and MSAs - Patrick Hindert and Ann Koerner
- Case Study - Liability MSAs - David Cherry and Wayne Fontana
- Common MSP Questions - Christine Melancon
- Networking Lunch - New Orleans History and Culture - Carolyn Kolb
Directed Primarily Toward MSA Allocators
- Applying Evidence Based Medicine Guidelines to Fusions for Injured Workers - Dr. Marjorie Eskay-Auerbach
- Long-Term Narcotic Use in MSAs - Meredith Warner and Steve Miller
- Re-Review/Reconsideration - Michelle Letter; James Raines; Jeff Knipper
- Data and Development Committee Update - Debbe Marciko and Sandra Mackler
- Limited Medical Records and the MSA - Denise Wrenn
- Weaning and Detox Strategies in the MSA - Jill Breard; Jennifer Doherty; Dr. Steven Moskowitz
- Pharmacy Formularies and MSAs - Mark Pew; Dr. Matthew Foster; Dr. Steve Feinberg
Directed Primarily Toward MSP Attorneys
- Legal Update - Heather Schwartz Sanderson; Michelle Ready; Annie Davidson
- Private Cause of Action - Amy Bilton and Heather Hatch
- State Workers Compensation Laws and CMS - Jennifer Jordan and Danielle Marone
Among NAMSAP's most impressive conference offerings for attendees was a beta test mobile app. The app featured a comprehensive event guide (including speaker bios, notes and handouts) and social networking tools. It also offered a Google map centered on the conference hotel plus a simple, but effective search feature. Assuming NAMSAP offers similar mobile apps at future conferences, this dynamic resource deserves even greater promotion including an introductory demonstration.
For S2KM's reporting of prior NAMSAP conferences, see:
- NAMSAP 2015 Winter Regional Conference
- NAMSAP 2014 Annual Conference
- NAMSAP 2014 Regional Conference
For previews of additional upcoming settlement planning conferences, see: 2015-2016 Educational Conferences
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